Global Charging Infrastructure Market Report

An analysis of investment in the electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI) market

The Global Charging Infrastructure Investment Report is an analysis of countries across the world, including the UK and Ireland, continental Europe, North America, Latin America, and the Asia Pacific region. The market readiness for investments was analyzed against 5 parameters, made up of critical metrics, to examine challenges and opportunities in selected countries.

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About the report

As the world advances toward the future of clean energy emissions and countries transitioning to EVs, Arcadis has engaged with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and compiled research showcasing the five most influential categories suitable for measuring EV maturity in several countries. These categories include government leadership and incentives, charging infrastructure, returns potential, and ease of doing business with the country. This report explores the present challenges and opportunities in each of those countries when it comes to realizing their EV and infrastructure potential.

Report Highlights

Government Incentives
EV market maturity and readiness
EV returns potential
EV charging infrastructure
Ease of doing business
These five categories are not the only factors needed for accelerating the transition to EVs and the roll-out of electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI). However, we do recognize the key role they play in ensuring we are making necessary considerations to the way we plan, develop and build infrastructure that is sustainable and fit for purpose.
Download the report to discover more insights.